Fellow medical students... get excited! We have found a solution to decreasing our student loan debt burden by partnering with the private sector. On this website you will be able to apply for loans and submit specific criteria to be awarded interest rates much lower than the U.S. Direct Loans (6.8% prior to June 2013 and today at 5.4%) in the near future. You will be able to borrow your student loans for much cheaper than 5.4%. IF you already graduated and borrowed at a rate of 6.8%, all graduate students prior to June 2013, you can still sell your current student loan debt in our tuition bond marketplace for a reduced rate. Why pay more via Government Direct Loans? Borrow from Student Promise for a lesser interest rate and pay cheaper monthly payments while in residency. Specific terms and rates will be released soon.
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Four years ago it started as an idea...
One speech later it became a promise...
Step by step it is becoming a reality...